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Here you will find personalized information on the developmental stage of your child and suggested toys and books from the Baobab truck. 



10 months old

Developmental Skills


  • Most babies this age have mastered crawling, can sit without help and pull themselves to a standing position. Your baby is probably driven to move around, pull himself up and stand upright for long periods while grabbing to a table or chair.


  • Your baby becomes more able to find hidden objects and realizing that you still exist even when you're out of sight. 

  • Babies at this age are mimics, and you may notice your baby imitating just about everything you do.

  • They listen to the sound of your words and watch you carefully to gauge your reactions. 

  • Interested in objects around him. Studies and feels them.


  • Ten-month-olds can understand and follow simple, one-step commands, such as “wave bye-bye.” 

  • Your baby may be begining to put strings of babble sounds together.

  • And recognize meaning of some words versus just sounds.

  • Your baby might become skilled at various gestures, such as shaking his or her head no, pointing at something out of reach, etc.


  • Your baby might be more intersted in communicating, understanding "no" and recognizinf herself in a mirror.


"Curiosity Cube" by Earlyears

"Count and Compose Piano" by Baby Einstein 

"Moo Baa La La La" by Sandra Boynton

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